Wolf's Moon
Werewolves aren't know for their love, or even acceptance, of change. When everything about werewolf society is in flux, people inevitably try to resist those changes, even when they have no choice.

The Wolf's Moon Series
You didn’t come this far to stop

The Assassin and the Wolf
Sherlock V. Thomas is appropriately named. An alchemist that has recently come to St. Louis, Sherlock is obsessed with his fictional namesake. He knows all the stories, all the ideas, and he loves the science of deduction. Of course, like his namesake, he is oblivious to certain things, like the growing affection of the man he calls his Watson, and young alchemist healer named Jacoby. His oblivious nature, though, doesn’t stop him from noticing his sudden disappearance. He looks for days on end, finding no trace of his Watson, and eventually decides he must not want to be found.
Upon returning to his small apartment at the Healing House, though, he finds a man. This man is dressed strangely, all in black, and wears a mask. He says he wants to help find Jacoby, and Sherlock has no idea how it is that this stranger even knows about him. What comes out, though, is a tale of a werewolf clan of assassins that lost one of their own to a traitor within their number. This man believes that the disappearance of Sherlock’s friend and this werewolf are connected, and as he explains things, Sherlock begins to believe he might be right.

Distant Moon
A young man who always gives of himself ends up in a no-win situation. He feels he’s going to die, and he’s strangely okay with this idea. He’ll have died doing what he has always done: defending the weak. Then, the world shifts, and he’s without memory of what’s happened to him.
Stumbling to his feet, he is caught by a woman who helps him out of the building he’s in. She takes him to her brothel, where she cares for him until he’s better. He becomes a part of that world, eventually becoming a sex worker himself and taking clients like the girls do. Then, a man shows up, swearing he knows him, but more than that, he knows why he wasn’t killed when he should have been.

Escaping the Pain
A young werewolf is stuck in an abusive relationship after he loses his ability to shapeshift. He feels like he is nothing without his ability, and he deserves the treatment he gets from his boyfriend and his friends. He feels worthless, and even more, he feels like he deserves to die. Making a decision to end things, he almost does it, but along the way he finds two very lost animals: a small kitten and a tiny puppy. Unable to leave them in the cold rain, he sneaks them into his room, caring for them as best he can.
The animals he rescues, though, are more than they seem. They are enspelled members of Unit Zero, and they are being sought after by their fellow members. Eventually, things explode, and the truth of his life is revealed, and he is swept up into circumstances that he can no longer avoid.

The Silent Dusk
In the supernatural world, it is expected that more powerful creatures will often subjugate less powerful ones. Generally, this takes place where humans can’t see, and only the rare human even knows of the existence of this world of creatures hidden before their very eyes.
When a young werewolf is brought low by a group of humans, he knows his life as he knows it has ended. He finds himself a world away from where he began and makes the best of it until one day, someone from his past shows up to take him home. But the question is, is that his home?

© 2025 by Beverly L. Anderson. All rights reserved.