Supernaturals are any creature or being that is of a supernatural origin. They can be humanoid or creature, and there are many more than listed here. These are simply the most common seen in St. Louis.
Werecreatures— Living throughout St. Louis, werecreatures are the most prolific of the supernatural creatures in the world. They have a strict rule in clans of turning no one outside their bloodlines, which can lead to some problems when it comes to genetics. They intermarry between clans to avoid this. Alliances between clans come and go, and there is a possibility of being excommunicated from a clan for violating clan specific rules. There are werewolves, werecats, were corvids, and other lesser-known werecreatures from other parts of the world.
Vampires— The second most prevalent creature in St. Louis, Vampires, have infiltrated almost all areas of the world. With the ability to “daywalk” that they are able to do by using a special potion that was created about a hundred years ago by a famous alchemist whose name later became profane. The vampires are the only ones who still use this potion, using their own thrall alchemists to create it for them. Vampires will turn humans into either thralls (humans that willingly allow themselves to be fed on) or young vampires. This turning of humans has rules that must be strictly followed, and it is rare for a master vampire to turn someone new.
Human Witches—Humans born with inherent power pass from the mother in the bloodline. Male witches can be born but cannot pass the witch abilities to offspring.
Human Alchemists—Humans that are raised within specific families and trained from a young age in the arts of alchemy. This is a learned process, and while talent plays a part, they sometimes adopt powerless humans into their families to bring them up as alchemists.
Fae—This includes Dryads, Pixies, Sprites, Fairies, Gnomes, Elves, Nymphs, and Selkies. These are rather rare in the city of St. Louis but can be found in surrounding forested areas and parks to some degree. They are generally peaceful unless provoked by someone. They hold powerful magic, but rarely use it. Most of them have invisibility capabilities and are more likely to hide than to actually confront someone. They will reveal themselves to other creatures and have strict rules against revealing themselves to powerless humans.
Fear Walkers—An incorporeal species that came form themselves into a corporeal state when they have sated their need to feed on fear from humans. These creatures are born of fear and become a part of “family” groups that teach new Fear Walkers how to feed without draining a human to the point of death. If a Fear Walker completely drains a human, they, in turn, become a Fear Walker. These Fear Walkers are sought out by Unit Zero or the Order of the Day.
Risen Demons—Demons hail from the lower planes and are often aggressive to almost every other creature in the world. They do have strict rules in place that limit their ability to act in the presence of powerless humans. They can often be found in positions of power or positions where they manipulate others for profit. They are concerned with accumulating material wealth and will do some very unethical things to get it. They do not reveal their true face unless absolutely necessary. These can be demons, devils, succubi, incubi, harpies, and other various demonic creatures. They grew tired of the infighting and constant strife of the lower planes and chose to live among humans, suppressing their powers. They can use them if necessary.
Fallen Angels—These are angelic creatures that have given up their grace for one reason or another to live on earth. They hail from the outer positive planes that surround the world. Their natural enemies are demons, and they often fight with them. There are rules to these encounters, established thousands of years ago, however. The biggest rule is that powerless humans cannot be harmed in any way. They have remaining natural abilities from their time in the outer planes, which include the ability to regenerate at a rapid rate, heal others, invisibility, shield themselves or others, create divine energy blasts, and teleportation. They have lost the ability to fly as they have lost their “wings” by coming to earth.
Non-Humanoid Creatures—There are a variety of non-humanoid creatures. The Phoenix, unicorns, centaurs, minotaurs, sphynx, griffins, satyrs, mercreatures, sirens, dragons, lamias, and others. These creatures are often protected by the fae in some way or another, and they all have human-level intelligence. Those incapable of speech have telepathic abilities, and most have either the ability to alter their shape or make themselves invisible. Occasionally, they agree to work with the other groups to reach a goal, but they are more concerned with staying safe and off the radar of powerless humans. They live in wooded areas and can be found in forests, parks, and other places where there are places to hide.
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